Friday, November 16, 2007

Going to Graz

My name is Alex and for those of you not familiar with me, I will tell you a little bit about myself. I am almost 2 years old. When I was born the doctors found out that I have a very rare congenital heart defect known as Scimitar Syndrome. After 2 open heart surgeries and 2 cardiac catheritizations to make me better, I had a g-tube put in to help me get the nutrients I needed to grown and gain weight. It worked but now, I only eat very limited things by mouth. Certainly not enough to help me as a I grow. Mom and Dad have had us try many different speech therapists and different ways to get me to eat since I came home from the hospital the last time in May of 2006. Still, I have a mind of my own and have not really come around to the idea just yet. We have looked in to many programs here in the United States where they specialize in feeding, they are very long and very expensive so Mom and Dad found this program in Austria that we believe will help me. So on December 1, 2007 we will take my first plane ride there! We will spend my second birthday in Austria. "I hope that I see some snow"!